The Nevin Church

The Nevin Church was able to be used during our Spring Exhibition Show. Pastor Ward did an amazing job on the service. Former Members and show-goers filled the Church Sunday June 11th for the first Church service since its restoration at the SLPEM. 

Moving the Nevin Memorial Church from the Town of Lisbon to the Museum’s Village Green is taking place in two phases, relocation and restoration. Phase one is nearly complete but was full of surprises. Work began by removing the pews, wall hangings, and other furniture. Then the carpet, the new floor, and what remained of the original. The 12 stained glass windows were next. Then the interior wall and ceiling coverings were removed. Built in 1855, it was no surprise to find the walls’ interior constructed of posts and beams. But the posts were mortised deeply into massive sills and top plates. But a real surprise awaited – the walls were filled with mortared brick between every log stud and post and even the braces. The intention had been to move the walls somewhat intact, but time, money and energy argued otherwise. So instead, modern framed walls have been built and topped by modern trusses. All the furniture, flooring, windows, doors and other church features have been salvaged and are stored in a box trailer donated to the project by Kinney Drugs. Support for Phase 1 includes a $10,000 grant from the Northern New York Community Foundation, a $25,000 challenge gift from a generous member, and the many donations by members and friends meeting the challenge. Over the life of the Church, many changes had been made to the interior and exterior. Phase 2 will begin in 2022 with the restoration of architectural elements on the exterior. Former members and friends of the Church are asked to share any photos they might have, especially those taken before vinyl siding was attached. Very few photos have been received thus far. Interior elements will be set in place largely as they originally were. When completed, old friends should feel little change. New ones should enjoy a church, a place for worship and fellowship, that comfortably and confidently reveals its 166 years of history. Your continued support is needed to help complete this remarkable project.

3 thoughts on “The Nevin Church”

  1. Dale F Corcoran

    Would love to come and visit your museums…when will the church be finished? Do you have overnight accommodations? Thank you

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