The Blacksmith Shop
The North Country has many excellent blacksmiths, and James Tiernan and Reg Chester have been talking with several. A Blacksmith Shop has long been on the list of facilities needed at the Museum. Envisioned is a 20 X 20 foot post and beam building, built in the style of the shops seen 50 to 100
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Small Engines
Our museum has a number of small engines which have been donated or acquired/purchased. We will soon have a complete listing of these available along with photos and information.
Donated by Bill Bartlett and Pete Green in 2016: Bay City excavator power shovel. That’s Bill in the photos. Bill replaced the original engine with one from a McCormick Deering 10-20. He hopes to have the machine operable in the future. The machine was primarily used for digging ditches for water and drain pipes.
The Farquhar Steam Engine
A. B. Farquhar Steam Engine This portable steam engine was built in 1922 and is rated at forty horsepower. According to Engineer Gary Hargrave, the original working/running pressure was 125 pounds. It was later lowered to 50 LBS as a “Hobby Boiler” for safety reasons by The New York State Boiler inspector around the Mid
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The Log Splitter
Mary Jane Watson, brother Ronnie Watson and Bernard Buckley donated a wood splitter with engine last fall (2017) in memory of Gordon Watson. The wood splitter was used many years to split logs to make firewood at camps around Colton and South Colton. The machine out-produced other means available in the area. It was also
The Lane Sawmill
LANE SAWMILL — 1920 Mill information from the 1997 newsletters as reported by Paul Shirley. February 1997 I called Ross Goodyear after the meeting. His mill is not available to us this year. I feel that a sawmill is a great attraction to our show, so with permission from various club members, I started looking for
The Vertical Sawmill
Vertical Sawmill Building Plans Vertical Sawmill Building Construction, Nov 12, 2012 to present Vertical Sawmill: Paul Moore, Ken Tupper and Reg Chester have begun work on a new building to house the vertical sawmill. It will be located next to the Lane Sawmill building on the Hwy 345 side. To figure out how much room
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The Heritage Fibers Building
Heritage Fibers Dedicates Building The new Heritage Fibers building was an immediate hit at the Spring Exhibition. Even before the dedication, visitors came to see the new facilities. Mabel Baker and Andrea Castle welcomed their guests along with other members of the Heritage Fibers group who were busy demonstrating their skills. Danny Dunkelberg and his
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